Friday, February 27, 2015


Your copy of Senior Moments for March is now available. Just click on the link on the 'Senior Moments' tab above and .... Happy Reading!

Be sure to read the part about the $8000 warrant article to be presented at the Hillsborough Town Meeting. This grant is seriously in jeopardy. 

If GHSS is not successful in obtaining this funding, the services that we perform for our seniors, and the activities that we organize for our seniors will necessarily be greatly curtailed.  

Please attend the Hillsborough Town Meeting and vote for this warrant article and in favor of support for Hillsborough area seniors.


Our cats can sense a change, that Spring is not very far away. Yes, it's still cold and there's a lot of snow out there, but the cats are now spending more time on the screened porch. They know something!

I don't know whether we humans share this innate awareness, or whether it's just a case of  'enough already,' but we trot off to southern beaches and sign on to late winter cruises. Maybe in doing this, in making these brief excursions to above freezing climes, we know that not long after we're back home the grasping winter will begin serious retreating. 

Whatever.... Here in Deering there's going to be a Soiree, an evening of Joyous Noise that just might give Old Winter the shove he needs to get out of here. (what a long introduction to.....) On next Friday evening, 6 March, 7:00 pm in the Deering Community Church in Deering Center there will be music, poetry,  stories --- general lightness of spirit.

The soiree is FREE AND OPEN TO ALL but donations, which will be split between the Deering Community Church and the Hillsborough-Deering Food Pantry, will be welcomed

The Soiree is being organized by Sam Kelly and includes:

Heidi Welch - music teacher from H-D
Chris Heffernan
Krista Kalipolitis- flute
Peter Beard - poetry reading
Jeanne Bartlet - poetry reading
Steve and Jane Waters - piano, voice
Sam Kelly - ukelele
Sissi Shattuck- vocal
Bible Hill Boys- folky group of singers from Hillsborough
Bob Santagata - singer
Sue C. - storyteller
Lorraine Meyette - flute and guitar

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Greater Hillsborough Senior Services provides a wide array of activities and services for ALL seniors in the Hillsborough region. Maybe you have benefited from one or more of them. MAYBE you did not know what GHSS does: Most likely GHSS does something that can make your life better!

Now GHSS is asking for your support. In the coming Hillsborough town meeting, please support the warrant article that seeks to provide a grant that will enable GHSS to continue to provide these many services that directly benefit the many Seniors in our area.



GHSS this past year served 1618 seniors in 2014.  We have grown by 11% since 2013. SAU 34 population is 1285 while seniors account for 1478 of the town population.

75% of participants (930) are from Hillsborough

Food costs have risen 20-25% for our twice monthly luncheons.

GHSS has reinstated "Dial-A-Ride" for seniors which generated 578 rides equaling 12,541 miles driven.

GHSS has provided 2122 volunteer hours of service to our area seniors.

GHSS creates the monthly newsletter (Senior Moments) which is  distributed to 800 participants.

GHSS provides weekly games/cards/bingo/craft activities.

GHSS assumed responsibility for driving the Youth Services van for "grocery shopping trips" for seniors, mainly for Maple Leaf residents.

GHSS has a Blogspot (like an internet page: and Facebook pages for information.

GHSS held a Flu Shot clinic in town, did Alzheimer's testing under the national associations guidance, eye acuity testing through the Lions Club.

GHSS has conducted training for CPR, First Aid and AED (Automatic Emergency Defibrillator).

GHSS held a variety of informational Lunch N' Learn programs, i.e. home safety, ICE workshop, life planning from CRVNA, financial management. 
GHSS arranged for a "Senior Splashers" water exercise program with Crotched Mountain.

GHSS arranged and executed trips/adventures to Fuller Gardens, Whitmore Center Flower and Garden show, Great Common Park in New Castle, and spent a day at Sturbridge Village and at the Norman Rockwell Museum, we also visited the LaSalette Shrine Christmas light display.

GHSS was incorporated as a non-profit so corporate donations could be accepted by GHSS.

GHSS seniors donated and supported the food pantry's Feinstein grant effort.

We at GHSS expect our growth will continue and it could be as many as 486 “boomers” in the next year or so.

We ask for your support on our warrant article to continue funding for this program for our seniors.