Monday, December 28, 2015


Scratch-a-sniff smell tests are a good indicator of problems in the brain, and these tests could become an inexpensive and easy way to detect brain trauma and neurodegenerative brain ailments. This is the subject of a brief review that was published recently in Scientific American.

Recent research found that a diminished sense of smell predicted frontal lobe damage in 231 soldiers who had suffered blast-related injuries on the battlefield. In the Department of Defense study led by Michael Xydakis of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, subjects with low scores on a smell test were three times as likely to show evidence of frontal lobe damage during brain imaging than those whose sense of smell was normal.
When the sense of smell is working properly, it acts as a matchmaker between odorant molecules in the air and memories stored in the brain. Those memories are not housed in a single place, Xydakis says, but extend across many regions. Because different smell signals have to take a variety of paths to reach their destinations, arranging their travel requires a lot of coordination. “This unique feature makes an individual's ability to describe and verbally name an odor extremely challenging and cognitively demanding,” he says.

A damaged sense of smell, therefore, can indicate that the ability to make those connections has been hampered by disease, a lack of sleep or, as shown in Xydakis's study, injury to the brain. The new results add to a growing understanding of the link between brain damage and an impaired sense of smell. Researchers have been working for years to use olfaction tests to track damage to the brain caused by neurodegenerative ailments such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

Kim Good, an associate professor in the psychiatry department at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, is currently recruiting subjects for a cohort study that aims to better understand the link between olfaction and Parkinson's, which could improve early identification and intervention. “Olfactory deficits are as common as tremor in Parkinson's, and they help rule out other competing diagnoses,” Good says.

Smell is also the first sense to be affected by Alzheimer's, with the hallmark protein tangles of the disease appearing early in the olfactory bulb, says psychiatrist Davangere Devanand of Columbia University. Last January he and his colleagues reported the results of a four-year-long cohort study in Manhattan, which found that scores on a multiple-choice scratch-and-sniff test in which participants had to identify 40 scents were good predictors of cognitive decline.

It's not hard to imagine such exams becoming a routine part of primary care for older patients. “The beauty of olfaction,” Good points out, “is that testing is easy and can be done in the family physician's office.” —Ian Chant

Why Smell Is Special
The unique characteristics of our sense of smell make sniff tests ideal for diagnosing brain injury. Here are some of the most interesting scientific findings about this unusual sense:

  • The adult brain can generate new neurons in the olfactory bulb, the brain region that processes smells. This area is one of just a few regions that continue to grow new neurons during adulthood.
  • Individuals vary in how they perceive odors and whether or not they can detect certain scents, and yet humans seem to universally enjoy the smell of vanilla.
  • Anosmia, a condition in which people completely lose their sense of smell, can be debilitating. Sufferers often report feeling disconnected from their surroundings, and many become severely depressed.
  • Romantic couples can unconsciously sense their partner's emotional state from their sweat—and the longer they have lived together, the better they are at it.
  • Babies locate their mother's nipples in part by learning a smell map of the breasts.
Victoria Stern


In case you have not heard,and contrary to some few predictions, winter will make an appearance in Hillsborough County in 2015. More specifically, we're looking at a nasty snow storm for tomorrow Tuesday 29 December. In the interests of prudence GHSS reluctantly must cancel the Tuesday evening trip to the NH Motor Speedway and their Gift of Lights.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015


Despite the many differences that exist among people and families, I suspect that  throughout our lives we all have variations on some basic conversations. These conversations usually take place between the elders and their  younguns.  So, for example, the Easter Bunny, Santa, Boys and Girls and What Happens, disappearing Grandma and Grandpa, Assisted Care (or not),  and Death. 

Say what!? Death? Remember 2007, the year of Sarah Palin's Death Panels? If we pass the Affordable   Care Act, then government panels will decide who lives and who dies. Or variations on that theme from those determined to prevent passage of the ACA. What was proposed back then, and then withdrawn after the shameless efforts of pols like Palin, was that people should discuss with their doctors end life issues and Medicare  should reimburse doctors for the time spent in helping people to formulate an advanced care plan. 

This past summer my  younger sister passed away. When I got to her in the hospital in Florida I found that she had not made out an advanced care directive, but we were discussing what she would do after leaving rehab and without any expectation that  her death was imminent. Well.... we had that conversation anyway and a day or so  before her heart gave out  she filled out an advanced care directive. With her permission, and between visits to her in the hospital, I also found that she had pre-purchased a funeral plan.  Her will was well hidden and was not where  she said it was but I found it in the end. She passed away after about a week, in the morning just as I was leaving my motel to  visit her. As sad as her death was, I cannot easily express how thankful I was to know that she had planned in advance for exactly what happened. 

In September a Kaiser Foundatin poll found that 80% of respondents said that Medicare and private insurers should pay for the end-of-life conversations but that fewer than one in five respondents reported actually having had such a discussion with a health care provider, including only about a third of those over age 75 and about a third of those with a debilitating disability or chronic medical condition.

Many patients and families want to have these discussions, and this past summer the Myth of Death Panels was laid to rest when Medicare authorized such conversations. Under the final rule patients and families can have the discussions when and where they want — before patients become ill, after they receive a diagnosis of cancer or other serious illness, or while they are receiving hospice or palliative care. 

In such conversations, patients could discuss whether and how they would want to be kept alive if they became too sick to speak for themselves. Doctors can advise patients on options for end-of-life care, which may include advance directives to forgo aggressive life-sustaining treatment.

The conversation that you have with your  kids and/or your  doctor about the end of your life is  every bit as important as the one you and your kids had about Santa, or  any of those other essential conversations. Please do not put it off.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Nifty Science: a nano-sized submarine to deliver your prescriptions?


We seniors have certainly benefited from the super advances in drug therapies that have been developed since WW II. Probably all of us are taking one or more on a daily basis for any number of medical conditions. I think though that much of what we may take for, for example, some cancers is a rather blunt instrument. One goal of drug therapy would be to specifically target the site at which the drug should work. How to do that? In a report I read today, scientists at  Rice University have developed a phenomenal 'nanosubmarine,' a single molecule, comprising 244 atoms, that is driven by a kind of propeller (actually a flagella such as is found on some bacteria and other protozoan organisms). The nanosubmarines could conceivably be loaded with medicine and sent up a person's bloodstream for precision delivery, or made to ferry toxic chemicals out of water filters. The paper describing the molecular machine appeared in the journal Nano Letters and was reported by NBC news. It is indeed a brave new world in which we live!

Thursday, November 12, 2015



There is a bunch of good things in this issue. I especially liked Pat's editorial about November. Truly, it is November. Typically it's a 'neither here nor there' sort of month, with cold-ish temperatures, gray sky, some rain and maybe some snow. The colorful leaves are gone. Maybe some golden birch leaves are hanging around but mainly what remains are the brown beach and oak leaves. Surely it's the fastest month of the year. I really do believe there is at least a week fewer number of days in November than in any other month. I mean, Thanksgiving is sort of a week away and the Christmas commercial hullabaloo is in full swing now.  

I like November. Some might think of this somber month as a time of dead but really Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year: your 'responsibility' is to reflect on your (hopefully) many blessings. Just now, even before Thanksgiving, we celebrate and honor those who have gone to war in order to ensure our thankfulness at Thanksgiving. We  honor those guys, men and women, in November. Thanksgiving, unlike Christmas, is not laiden with guilt  about gifts, cards -- 'got to,' and 'should have' stuff. It is no wonder Christmas is, for some, a very depressing season (the whole reason for celebrating the season by many having been overlooked or hijacked by commercial interests: didn't Christ throw the money lenders out of the temple after all? time for us to reconsider what this season is about?). No, I like November and Thanksgiving  My wood is stacked, we've got gas for the generator. Most importantly, the fruitcake fruit is marinating now in good dark rum.

Anyway, back to Seniors Alive!. Read Pat's introduction. Then note that there will be a Thanksgiving feast at the Hillsborough .American Legion on Saturday, 21 November at 1:00. It's free thanks to the Hillsborough Lions Club. 

Note also that the Senior's Bus will make its' monthly trip to Walmart onWedneday, 18 November, leaving from Shaw's parking lot at 10 am. Call Marie Mogavero (603 464 4727) to reserve  your spot.

I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, October 26, 2015


Here is an interesting poll result. A recent Gallup Poll  found that 56% of Americans who responded said that we would be safer if more people were armed with concealed weapons. Who are they afraid of? I suppose it must be that they fear people who are armed with concealed weapons.  Doesn't make sense to me. The power of the armed 'good guy' to prevent the kind of carnage we increasingly witness is a myth. Strapping on a gun does not make you or I into a superhero, much less a good shot. Actually the ready availability of fire power dramatically increases the number, and success rate, of suicide attempts. The NRA makes it difficult to study the effects of guns on the health of Americans, but there are some interesting and disturbing trends. Take this one. One research project found of the 763 people killed in 579 shooting incidents (yes, more than one person died in some of the events too numerous to recount) occurring since 2007, the vast majority of those licensed shooters took themselves out or others who were not perpetrators. 223 of the deaths were suicides. I am afraid to ask about deaths (mainly women) resulting from domestic violence. Recent concealed-carry excesses include shooters firing at shop-lifters and other non violent offenders running in public places. Try to think of one of those vigilantes plugging away at a kid running in Shaw's parking lot with a purloined bag of Gold Fish. The Second Amendment says something about a WELL-REGULATED militia. What I think we are seeing is strong lobby groups using that amendment to prevent any sort of regulation. The result is tragic. That my neighbor is (literally) packing only worries me.

Monday, October 19, 2015




Saturday, November 7 in Deering Town Hall, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm representatives of several suppliers of home goods, fashion, and cosmetics will present their wares for you. No angst over trying to find an obscure address -- in the dark. No need to drive long distance and fight traffic to go shopping. No need to worry about feeling guilty if you don't buy something from that oh-so-earnest representative of -- whatever. For about six hours Deering Town Hall will be transformed into a local version of the Mall of New Hampshire thanks to the Greater Hillsborough Senior Services. 

GHSS invites  you to come to  Deering  Town Hall, where you will find high quality items from Norwex, Thirty-one, Tupperware, Discovery Toys,  It Works, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Stampin' up, Usborne Books,Traveling Vineyard, Handmade jewelry, Petra Fashions, Deering Community Dhurch, Kalypso Twistz Jewelry, Lemongrass spa, Avon, Jarred Powers, and Karen Booth.

Deering Town Hall is located at 762  Deering Center Rd (NH Rt 149), just up the hill from Hillsborough. There will be lots of parking and beautiful scenery. 

If you have any questions, please contact Marie Mogavero at or call her at 603-464-4726

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


A number of my friends here in Deering have experienced Lyme Disease. It's not a nice experience. Apart from carefully examining EVERY inch of your body and removing all the ticks after you've been outside during the 'tick season, there is no way to protect yourself against infection by the deer tick-born bacterium that causes Lyme Disease. So, this article from the Boston Herald brought with it some pretty good news.

Researchers at U MASS med school found that when individuals were injected with a vaccine that was developed about ten years ago, they developed a bunch of antibodies. They were able to isolate and identify one of those antibodies that, when injected into mice, kills the bacterium in the gut of the tick before it can be transmitted to you with the tick bite.

Preclinical trials are currently underway to determine the human dosage.

Clinical trials in humans are expected to begin next year, and if the Food and Drug Administration approves the antibody drug, it could become commercially available in roughly three years. It is expected that a single yearly injection with the antibody drug will be required to protect from Lyme Disease.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Henniker Music on Main: NO GHSS

This weekend, 3 October, Henniker's annual Music on Main event will take place. GHSS was planning to participate with their Wheel of Fortune but owing to the uncertain weather, we will not be there.


Here is your October issue of  Seniors Alive! You can download this and back issues of Seniors Alive! from Seniors Alive tab above.

Note that there is an interesting schedule of trapsin' around. 

Here is a sampling

13 October,  Tuesday: The first session of the second series of  Tai Chi (Tai Ji Quan), Moving for better balance, will be held in the Deering Town Hall. This class will comprise 8 sessions, on Monday (except for the first one) and Friday at 10:00 am. Paul Carey will once again be leading the class. The cost for the whole series of classes is $45.00. Contact Marie Mogavero (464-4726) or Marie Merrow (464-3067).

Get on the Bus: some GHSS adventures include

4 Oct, Sunday Fiddler on the Roof performed by the Portland Players. Tickets are $18.00 and transportation is $14.00. Leaving at 11 am from  Shaw's parking lot. Stops for snacks will be made both coming and going. Call Marie Mogavero (464-4726) or Marie Merrow (464-3067) to reserve your spot. (min. 10  participants)

13  Oct, Tuesday: Gould Hill Farm for apple picking.  $4.00 for transportation. Leaving from Shaw's at 1:00 pm. Leaving from Shaw's at 1:00 pm. Call Marie Merrow (464-3067) to reserve. 

16 Oct, Friday: Hart's Turkey farm for lunch then Castle in the Clouds for viewing fall foliage, possibly making an ice cream stop at the Kellerhaus on the way back. The charge for the castle tour is $12.00 and for transportation is $10:00. Leaving from Shaw's at 10:00 am. Call Marie Mogavero (464-4726) to reserve.

 21 Oct, Wednesday: The Wright Museum of military vehicles and stories of the sacrifices made by our Men as they faced enemies in the name of  liberty. The cost of the museum is $6.00 and transportation is $9.00. Leaving from Shaw's at 9:00 am. Call Marie Mogavero (464-4726) to reserve.

29 Oct,  Thursday: An adventure to Country Mischief Shops in Templeton, MA. Lots of stuff to buy, including antiques, crafters, gifties, consignment corner, designer corner and a restaurant. You'll receive a 5% discount on top of the 30% discount if you come in a costume. The cost of transport is $6.00. Leaving from Shaw's at 9:00 am. Call Marie Mogavero (464-4726) to reserve.


You've only got ONE more day

October 1 is the last day to bid on a weekend getaway at a Marriott Hotel near Faneuil Hall in Boston while supporting fresh produce FOREVER from Hillsborough's Food Pantry!

Currently, a bid of around $200 will get you a room FOR FOUR in a posh hotel in the middle of Boston for one of four weekends in November to January. Think: Holiday! Museums! Christmas excitement in the Big City! FOOD! Looks like a good deal to me!

To place a bid NOW go to: Fund 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015



There is a new scam 

in our southern New Hampshire area

A Hillsborough resident was contacted recently by phone by somebody claiming to represent the US Government Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The caller insisted that our resident owed over $3000 in back taxes and has instituted a legal proceeding against her. Our resident was harassed to call a phone number where she would provide information that would enable the 'IRS' to withdraw money from her account and thereby avoid the legal proceeding. She knew that she did not owe money to anybody. Instead she called the police, who informed her that this is a scam.



Sunday, September 27, 2015


Clark Terry is maybe the greatest jazz trumpeter of all times (which pretty much makes him the best trumpeter of all times because who knows any trumpeters who are not jazz trumpeters... but I digress). Early in his career as a kid in St Louis ('Trumpeter City') he knew that this was what he wanted to do but was unable to get any of the established horn players to take him seriously. This documentary film, Keen on keepin' on, celebrates Terry's life from the vantage point of 90 years and from the vantage point of a master who, having had to teach himself his craft, determined to give to younger generations as much as they could possibly take from him. One of the youngsters is twenty-something aspiring jazz pianist, Justin Kauflin, who also happens to be blind.  Forget testosterone-enhanced broflicks: this is a lovely story of two men, both teachers in their own way, who speak the (cliche warning!) language of jazz and who each have major physical obstacles. Clark Terry is suffering from diabetes that eventually takes both of his legs but this does not blunt his vocal riffs as he and Justin play together at Terry's home, or as Justin prepares for the Thelonious Monk Jazz Piano Competitions. You don't have to like jazz to be drawn into their relationship, to see their love; to appreciate Clark Terry's overwhelming desire to share what he has learned. 

Keep on keepin' on is available from Netflix either as a DVD or as streaming.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015



Don Pellmann,  at 100 years of age, was the most senior athlete in the recently held San Diego Senior Olympics. He became the first centenarian to break 27 seconds in the 100-meter dash and the first to clear an official height in the high jump. He also broke records for men in the 100-and-over age group in the shot-put and the discus and set a record in the long jump. What teed him off was his failure to clear 3 ft 1 3/4 inches in the pole vault, which would have given him a sixth record.  Pellmann, who was born in 1915, is about twenty years older than Superman (where is he now?)  ....  and is still going strong. Click here to read about this amazing man in this article from this morning's NY Times.


A second 8-session program of Tai Chi, or Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance will commence on 13 October in the Deering Town Hall. The instructor is again Paul Carey. Classes will be held on Oct 13, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30, and Nov 2 and 6 from  10 to 11 am. The cost for the entire class is $45.00. The class fills quickly. To reserve your spot contact Marie Merrow at 464-3067 or Marie Mogavero at 464-4726

Thursday, September 17, 2015






These two institutions in Hillsborough fill important needs in our community. The Hillsborough Food Pantry serves about 120 families each week, and in any week 20-30 of those might be families in Deering. Farmsteads of New England  has two locations, one in Epping and one here in Hillsborough, out School Street a mile or so. Farmsteads provides vocational and recreational activities for adults who have developmental disabilities. One Deering family has brought together the needs of the Food Pantry and "The Farm" in the APPLE fund. Simply stated, the Food Pantry needs produce and meat, both of which are produced by The Farm. The APPLE fund links these two organizations through an endowment that permanently provides funds for the Food Pantry to purchase locally produced, nutritious food and distribute it to those in need. 

You can help the APPLE fund AND spend a weekend in Boston AND buy groceries for a needy family through an on-line auction! That's right, by bidding on a 2-night stay at the renowned Marriott Custom House in Boston, you will help provide funding for a food pantry to give fresh produce to their clients. For each $375 raised by this auction, the APPLE Fund will pay for seasonal produce for one family...forever!

Every dollar raised goes directly to building the APPLE Fund.  Through the generosity and creativity of our many supporters, we have raised 60% of our $30,000 target endowment. Reaching this goal will allow the APPLE Fund to generate enough money for the Food Pantry to give local produce to every family that they serve, in perpetuity. 

Win-Win, right?  Spend a pre Christmas stay in Boston in a luxe hotel while helping your neighbors.

Monday, September 14, 2015


Ever want to spin the wheel in a Vegas casino?

If so, here is an opportunity of the month (if not a lifetime) to build up your curriculum vitae! I mean, you cannot expect a casino owner to hire just anybody can you? Experience! That's what sells... and that's what GHSS is offering! For free!

GHSS has openings for individuals to spin the big roulette wheel from 3:00 - 5:00 pm at two upcoming Saturday events. On 26 September,  Hillsborough's Butler Park Schnitzlefest, and 3 October at Henniker's Music on Main festival (the only Henniker Music on Main Festival on Earth).  
For a buck participants spin the wheel and maybe get a prize  -- But GHSS gets the buck. I'm told it's a hit with kids -- but not infrequently Senior Citizens,  sometimes disguised as something other than Senior Citizens, and others enjoy having a spin.  Maybe EVEN you would have a good time encouraging this innocent behavior.

If this opportunity interests  you, Give it a whirl (so to speak) and give Marie Mogavero a call at 603 464 4726.  Next stop..... VEGAS!!!


GHSS (Greater Hillsborough Senior Services) is sponsoring two great trips for the month of September.

Friday, September 25 we're going to IKEA in Stoughton, MA. We leave Shaws at 9 am. Transportation fee is $12. Lunch will be at IKEA's unique Swedish restaurant. Call Marie 464-4726 and reserve your seat.

Wednesday, September 30 Big E Trip. We're going to West Springfield, MA to enjoy a day visiting the Midway, the Avenue of States buildings, the Craft Common and all other displays on the grounds. We will depart Shaw's parking lot at 8:30 a.m. Transportation cost $15 and admission to the fair is $15. Call Marie at 464-4726 to reserve your seat.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Here is your Seniors Alive! for September. You can get your copy and back issues at the tab above. 

I want to call your attention to Pat's editorial

There are two items of especial note in this issue: Don't retire from Life: take steps to avoia social isolation. GHSS can help with this!!


 Senior Luncheons will resume on September 24th at noon at the  Deering Community Church.The menu will include B-B-Q chicken and the charge is $5.00 per person. To reserve, call Marie Mogavero at 464-4726 or Marie Merrow at 464-3067.

A second 8-session program of Tai Chi, or Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance will commence on !4 September in the Deering Town Hall. The instructor is again Paul Carey. Sessions will be held on Mondays and Fridays at 10:00. The cost for the entire class is $45.00. The class fills quickly. To reserve your spot contact Marie Merrow at 464-3067 or Marie Mogavero at 464-4726.


GHSS Bus takes Seniors to Bridge of Flowers in Shelburne Falls, Mass

July 29th was a blazing hot day in southern New Hampshire when the GHSS Bus traveled to Bridge of Flowers. Summer flowers were abundant, and in all their diversity ofcolors and scents. Some of the more spectacular blooms included the Sea Holly, Devil's Horn, the dahlias and the wisteria, which had grown so tall and hardy that it was tightly wrapped around a light post. Some seniors toured the town, while others choose a pub with a great view of the river and the bridge. All in all it was a most enjoyable outing for everybody! We hope to see YOU on one of our many day trips!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


You ever hear the rule that you have to drink eight 8 oz glasses of water every day or you will wither up, dehydrate and blow away? Seems that's a myth, according to something I read today in the NY Times. We get a lot of water without even thinking about it. It's in fruit, vegetables, tea and, yes, coffee. There is no evidence that drinking more water will keep your skin smooth, wrinkle free. There is at least anecdotal evidence that drinking too much water can flush medications and electrolytes such as sodium from your body; that's definitely a bad thing. Despite the 'Drink UP campaign sponsored by our First Lady, Michelle Obama in response to a supposed fact that 40 percent of Americans drink less than half of the recommended amount of water daily, there actually is no formally recommended daily amount of water intake. How much water you drink is determined by what you're doing, how big your are and what you eat. Your body will tell you when it wants water long before you become dehydrated! I've recently been experiencing a lot of leg cramping following a hike or other exercise that taxes my legs. Drinking more water has reduced this problem: my body spoke and I responded. Yes, water is definitely a much better alternative than sodas -- with all that added sugar -- that contribute so very much to the obesity and type 2 diabetes epidemic that is sweeping the western world. Insofar as the Drink UP campaign redirects our drinking habits away from that sugary stuff, it's a winning plan.

A couple of studies of children, one in France and one in New York and Los Angeles reported that the majority of children studied were not getting enough water. This supposed lack of water was determined by a test that determines urine osmolality level, and assumed a certain 'ideal' osmolality level. However, other experiments, have shown that the osmolality levels in perfectly healthy kids range hundreds of points above and below that supposed 'ideal' level. It turns out, maybe not surprisingly, that the studies finding that kids weren't drinking enough water were supported by corporations that have vested interests in getting more of those plastic bottles into our hands: the French study was supported by Nestlé Waters, the US study was supported by Nestec, a Nestlé subsidiary. 

This reminds me that the Coca Cola Corporation, which also sells water, has provided financial and logistical support to a new nonprofit organization called the Global Energy Balance Network. This foundation promotes the argument that weight-conscious Americans are overly fixated on how much they eat and drink while not paying enough attention to exercise. At least some scientists who receive funding from the Foundation contend that there is too much emphasis on the effect of how much fast food and sugary drinks we consume in type 2 diabetes and the spread of obesity;that exercise can off-set a bad diet. Interestingly, this new Foundation is established amid the growing trend to tax sugary drinks and a global decline in the consumption of Coke and other like drinks.

Of course we don't exercise enough. Nothing wrong with that message, but evidence is that for weight loss, you’re going to get much more impact with diet changes. And,of course, the more you exercise the hungrier you become -- and the more you eat! It's about: Calories in should equal calories out.  Exercise expends far fewer calories than most people think. A 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola, for example, contains 140 calories and roughly 10 teaspoons of sugar. According to one independent expert, “It takes three miles of walking to offset that one can of Coke."

But, what's my point?   We've got to exercise critical thinking and ask questions. Who is behind the message? Who supported the published research ... or the political message? What is THEIR aim in getting us to think and act their way? There are a lot of charlatans out there.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015



 Story Hour will be held on Saturday morning, August 22 at 9:30 in Deering's historic one room school house, on Deering Center Rd beside Town Hall. We'll read from Curious Geoerge and Martha the Talking Dog and maybe we'll have a spooky story or two. As always there will be freshly home-made muffins, juice, milk and coffee. 

Everybody is welcome. Please contact Gary Samuels with questions: 464 3143,

Sunday, August 16, 2015



Since it's adoption by GHSS, this bus has had a busy summer. Something for everybody. Maybe you missed the trip to the JFK library on the 14th of August, but here is a list of outings  for the remaining couple of weeks of August.

August 19,  Wednesday: Great Island Common (cost $8,  leaving Shaw’s 9 am.) 

August 27, Thursday: Trader Joe’s and the Christmas Tree Shop  (cost $9 transportation, $8 lunch leaving Shaw’s at 10 a.m.)

August 31, Monday:  The Vermont Country Store and Frank’s/Fred’s Fabric store. (cost $8 leaving Shaw’s at 9 a.m.)

Reservations must be made by calling Marie Mogavero at 464-4726.

Friday, August 7, 2015


GHSS will travel to Boston in its NEW BUS to the JFK Presidential Library and Museum next Friday, 14 August, and there is room for just two more passengers. Don't miss this chance to go there with your friends! Transportation is $10.00 per person and admission is $12.00 for seniors, $10.00 for veterans and kids 13 and younger,and $14.00 for 'adults-who-are-not-seniors.' Click on the  link above to see the many things going on at this wonderful institution. To reserve your place phone Marie Merrow at 464-4726. The Bus will depart Shaw's parking lot at 9:00 am.

JFK believed that each person in our society can make a difference, and that everyone should try. His influence reaches across decades because of his extraordinary ability to articulate fundamental principles of democracy, freedom, and patriotism.
  At the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, people of all ages learn how they can give back to their communities and their fellow citizens. Through our museum exhibits, public forums, and research archives, we inspire individuals to get involved and to solve today’s problems with the same energy that my father addressed to the challenges of his time.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


The August 2015 issue of the GHSS newsletter Seniors Alive! is available here or at the Seniors Alive tab above. 

I especially recommend the article 'Wooden Bowl' to you. It is a very thoughtful reflection on aging and the relationship between older parents and their adult children.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Story Hour in Deering

This Saturday,18 July at 9:30 in Deering's historic one room school house, located next door to Deering Town Hall on Deering Center Rd (Rt 149). 

We will read stories from Curious George and other classic kids tales. To go along with the reading we will have zucchini muffins,  juice, milk and coffee. Everybody is welcome. Questions? contact Gary Samuels 464 3143 or

Monday, July 13, 2015


  Seeking Parmenter: A Memoir of Place by Charles Butterfield

Please join the Antrim Historical Society for a program featuring Charles Butterfield’s memories of growing up on the Butterfield Farm just north of Clinton Village.  Charles is a widely published educator, poet, and biologist and (more importantly for Antrim residents) Izi Nichols’ brother, Martin Nichols’ brother-in-law, and Antrim Historical Society Vice-President Bill Nichols’ uncle).  This program will celebrate the launch of Charles Butterfield’s new book Seeking Parmenter.
The Antrim Historical Society is seeking to arrange a pre-talk bus tour of various sites in Clinton Village and Antrim Center cited in Seeking Parmenter.  If you are interested in participating, please watch for notices on the Town’s News and Events web site or email Steve Ullman at or call him at 588-2005.
Sunday, July 26, 2015, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.

First Presbyterian Church, Main Street, Antrim, New Hampshire

Friday, July 3, 2015



The July 2015 issue of the GHSS-Newsletter-Formerly-Known-As-Senior-Moments has become 'Seniors Alive.'  You might ask: Why? Why trade a perfectly good and apparently widely recognized moniker for another, arguably better one?  Was it that having a new bus (did I say GHSS has purchased a new bus?) and decided that it needed a new name for its newsletter? Nah... Was it that the editor of Senior Moments was having a .... senior moment herself when she sent the July issue to press? Nah... 

What I understand is that a Hillsborough resident has purchased, or at least registered for a periodical the name 'Senior Moments.'  Hum ... (see me scratching my head) Why would anybody in their right mind want to corner for himself the name of a newsletter that he has nothing to do with? I certainly don't know. I suspect that it was not a goodwill gesture to GHSS.   I believe that this man, Mr Russ Galpin -- the one who the good citizens of Hillsborough elected to be their town moderator -- must  have had some free time and cash... and a burning desire to gain control of the name of the GHSS newsletter.  Maybe somebody should ask him.

Anyway, your July issue of  'Seniors Alive' is available here and in the above 'Seniors Alive' tab.  Happy reading!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Osram-Sylvania and Hillsborough Shaws Supermarket Support Bus For Seniors

Today, Tuesday 30 June, Osram-Sylvania and Shaw's Supermarket donate to Bus-For-Us

Today GHSS Board of Directors members Pat Mathison, Barbara Cavanaugh, Marie Mogarevo and Chuck Gaides received cheques to the tune of $5000 each from Dave Rochemont, the general manager of Shaw's Hillsborough Supermarket and from the management of Hillsborough's Osram-Sylvania plant. With these donations, these companies continue their tradition of supporting service and recreational activities in the Greater Hillsborough Community. GHSS is grateful for these generous donations that pushed over the top their drive to buy a bus. GHSS President  Pat Mathison says that this bus is going to get a lot of use. She already has big plans: stay tuned!

On behalf of the seniors of the Greater Hillsborough Area, GHSS extends a heartfelt thanks to Shaw's Supermarket  and Osram-Sylvania! See YOU on the bus!
Osram-Sylvania management team presents a cheque for $5000 to GHSS President Pat Mathison and board member Chuck Gaides

Hillsborough Shaw's Supermarket manager Dave Rochement presents a cheque for $5000 to GHSS President  Pat Mathison and board member Barbara Cavanaugh

Sunday, June 28, 2015




NEWS FLASH: You don't have to go all 'gung ho' to get the exercise that we all need


Nope! Just try walking. A lot of research shows that brisk walking benefits our physical and mental well-being. There are all kinds of benefits to just walking. Simply stated, walking helps people live longer. Brisk: you say? Just walk at a pace that is brisk but that does not prevent you from comfortably talking to your companion. 


YOUR COMPANION? Well now, let me introduce you to: FRIDAY AFTERNOON WALKERS!

Each Friday a group of Hillsborough Seniors -- your friends and neighbors -- meets somewhere around here and goes for a walk. Piece of cake, right! What could be simpler? The walks usually last two hours, from 1:00 - 3:00 pm. The locale for Friday's walk is decided each Wednesday and everybody on the list gets the news via email or by a phone call.


Come on out and join FRIDAY WALKERS.  This low impact physical activity can do wonders for your body and mind.  


To get your name on the list give Joyce Peace a call at 603 464 3376.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Chuck's Corner for June

Folks:  This has been a tumultuous, full of excitement and great happiness June for the Seniors in our area! We have been on the go, busy raising funds, having congregate encounters, participating in multiple senior exercise programs, and meeting with prospective donors to further the “Bus for Us” goal as well as our continuing struggle to make ends meet administratively so that we can provide adequate programs for seniors in our area.  Much NEWS – Oh, where to start?  Perhaps with news on the “Bus for Us”:
The Mission of Greater Hillsborough Senior Services is to provide services and activities for the many seniors living in the Hillsboro, New Hampshire area. One of the hurdles in providing services in our area has been the lack of public transport. GHSS has tried to overcome this obstacle and provide transportation for seniors through the generous use of the Hillsboro Town-owned, recreational van, or rental transportation, to facilitate shopping trips, visits to doctors and excursions for seniors.
Unfortunately this summer the Hillsboro Town van, which they have previously allowed us to borrow, is needed for a series of newly rejuvenated recreation activities and its availability will be severely limited to GHSS. This hits our seniors especially hard because it is in the summer when we make most of our senior excursions and trips. As all of you know the main fund-raising goal of GHSS has been the purchase of a bus, the “Bus-for-Us” campaign.  Although we have long aimed at purchasing a new bus, the unavailability of the Hillsboro Town van for the summer of 2015, in large part because they need it for the activities that they will be offering at Manahan Park, has lead us to explore the possibility of purchasing a gently used vehicle.
Thanks to the continuing, generous donations of individuals and businesses we have been able to find and adopt a gently used, recent model, locally owned, bus that we will soon put to into full use.  This is not the new bus we would have liked to have purchased, but it is what we can (more or less) afford at this particular time.  More or less? Yes, we still have some fund raising to do.  We need to paint the bus, to identify it as GHSS.  We need to insure, register, get license plates, continually maintain and garage the bus in a safe location, particularly in the Winter.  These are details that we will work out with your continuing support!  Thanks to you ALL!
As was mentioned in the beginning of this news update we also held two, very enjoyable luncheons this month, one at St. Mary’s in Hillsboro with Lee, and Joyce handling the presentation and one in Deering this past Thursday at the Deering Community Church, with our now famous Chef’s Extraordinaire, Patty and Gary.  Both luncheons were well attended. The seniors had a great lunch and a wonderful time to talk and catch up with what is going on!
Also mentioned in the beginning were the exercise programs that we have been offering:  One was called armchair Yoga and was held in Hillsboro (with great participation, well over 40).  BY REQUEST it now has begun a second session!  The other program is Tai Chi Moving for Better Balance and that is being held in Deering.  It too has been well received.  And recently the Tai Chi group has asked the certified, instructor, Paul Carey, if he would be able to offer this again, maybe in September – more on this in the coming months.
Our “Bus for Us” fundraising has been in FULL SWING this month with raffles, two going on as these notes get to you: one a summer “Beachie” raffle and the other a fitness raffle offering a Kayak with paddles, a Mountain Bike, and a Fit Bit.  See us at the farmers market every Saturday or at Shaw’s during the upcoming holiday weekend.  Purchase your lucky tickets NOW before its too late!  And I almost forgot our “Seniors Stride Walk-A-Thon – YES we got out and walked a Marathon, of sorts – about two miles.   It was fun and we raised $957!  Barbara has been very instrumental in obtaining a $5000 donation from Shaws for the Bus-for-Us campaign, and Chuck succeeded in obtaining a grant of $5000 for the BUS from  Osram/Sylvania Administration. GHSS also received a very generous, anonymous private donation of $5000 toward the BUS!  We also received a donation of Graphics for our newly Adopted BUS from Maine Line Graphics now in Antrim.  And at this past Thursday’s morning meeting of the Rotary Club of Henniker Chuck was presented with a check for $1,000 from the club’s secretary, Joyce Bosse. ON BEHALF OF ALL HILLSBORO AREA SENIORS WE SAY A VERY HEARTFELT: THANK YOU, MERCI, GRAZZIE, GRACIAS, VIELEN DANKE TO ALL OF OUR DONORS AND SUPPORTERS !
Whew, I hope that I didn’t forget anything; if I did please let me know!  Remember its not too late to donate to the “Bus for Us” FUND!!
See you in Town or “On the Road with the BUS”