Sunday, September 15, 2019

Joining The Sisterhood

On September 11, a group from the Greater Hillsborough area, drove to Maine to join the Sisterhood! as they enjoyed a live production of Menopause The Musical at the Ogunquit Playhouse.  Prior to the play, they stopped at Newick's Lobster House in Dover for lunch and afterwards finished up the day by stopping at Johnson's Ice Cream Bar on the way home. This trip was co-sponsored by GHSS and the Town of Hillsborough.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019



I want especially to call your attention to the END OF SUMMER PICNIC, which will occur on Saturday, 14 September at the Forest Society's High Five Reserve (aka Wilson Hill), on Sky Farm Road in Deering. Bring your own vittles and drinks and a blanket. A grill will be available. 

The Deering Conservation Commission conceived of the idea of this picnic with seniors and folks who have limited mobility in mind as a way to help them appreciate one of the most .appealing of the many conserved lands in Deering. The Forest Society, which is cosponsoring this event with the Deering Con Comm and the Deering Association, has agreed to allow participants to drive from Sky Farm Road to the picnic site. Or, members of the Deering Con Comm will shuttle folks back and forth. Sunset and moon rise will occur at about 7:30 pm and the moon will be full. On a good day, sunset and rising of the full moon will be spectacular from High Five. JUST REMEMBER: BRING A LIGHT TO HELP YOU GET BACK TO YOUR CAR!