Wednesday, March 14, 2018


On March 12, 2018 Sunny Mulligan Shea, Victim's Advocate for Elder Abuse and Exploitation Unit of the NH Attorney General's Office and Marc Boyd, AARP Fraud Fighter, presented a program on frauds and scams perpetrated on senior citizens and how to avoid and report them.  Most importantly is to report theses scams to your local police departments.

For further information:

Also, you can talk to a volunteer trained in how to spot and report fraud.  Call Fraud Fighter Call Center at 1-877-908-3360.

Monday, March 12, 2018


Research increasingly indicates that an overabundance of simple carbohydrates, and sugar in particular, is the No. 1 problem in modern diets. Sugar is the driving force behind the diabetes and obesity epidemics. 

Simply stated, sugar, per se, does not cause diabetes, but research shows that more sugar is correlated with more diabetes, and diabetes rates drop over time when sugar availability drops.

Fortunately, more people are realizing the harms of sugar and are cutting back.

Health experts recommend that you focus on reducing added sweeteners — like granulated sugar, high fructose corn syrup, honey, maple syrup, stevia and molasses. You don’t need to worry so much about the sugars that are a natural part of fruit, vegetables and dairy products.

Reducing the amount of added sugar in your diet will require determination.  You will need a new game plan if you drink even one can of Coke a day, eat breakfast cereal, or eat prepared food from the supermarket. Just look at the list of ingredients on the package (and new labeling rules make it more difficult see exactly how much sugar is in a food product). Some products do not add sugar, even though their competitors do. Two of the four biggest ingredients in Heinz Ketchup are sweeteners.  Sweetened beverages are by far the biggest source of added sugar in the American diet. Soda — along with sweetened sports drinks, energy drinks and iced teas — is essentially flavored, liquefied sugar that pumps calories into your body without filling you up.

 If you want help in developing a new dietary plan to help reduce your risk of obesity and diabetes, I recommend you read this article, How to stop eating sugar. 

Good luck. Good health!

Sunday, March 11, 2018


GHSS 2017 Annual Meeting

On Saturday, February 10. 2018 the Board of Directors held our requisite annual meeting per our By-Laws Article 6 Section 6:1  President, Pat Mathison, gave a brief historical overview of GHSS.  Those board members whose terms had expired where voted to continue until 2020.

Key members were cited for outstanding contributions to GHSS.

Chuck Gaides, former Treasurer, was presented with the GHSS Volunteer of the Year Award.


Lee Avery was awarded the Above and Beyond Award.

Pat Mathison, President, was presented with a gift certificate as a thank you for her tireless service from each member of the Board.