Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Beware of this Netflix Scam Email!

Police in Ohio are warning Netflix customers to beware of emails that appear to be sent from the streaming service.
Police in Solon, Ohio, recently shared a screenshot of a phishing email designed to steal personal information. The email claims the user's account is on hold because Netflix is "having some trouble with your current billing information."
"Biggest clue is that I don't have a Netflix account," the officer wrote of realizing the email was a scam.
"Criminals want you to click the links, so that you voluntarily give your personal identifying information away. It is very successful. Don't put your guard down. Contact the source of the email by another method that you trust, to make sure your accounts are maintained. Don't click the links. The links could also be a way to install malware on your computer," the post reads.
Commenters on Facebook pointed out that the email also contained an international phone number, strange punctuation and the odd greeting, "Hi Dear."
On its support website, Netflix echoes the police department's advice: "Never enter your login or financial details after following a link in an email or text message. If you're unsure if you're visiting our legitimate Netflix website, type www.netflix.com directly into your web browser."

Follow this story to get instant e-mail alerts from WMUR on the latest developments and related topics.


Friday, December 7, 2018


Follow this link to your December issue of Seniors Alive!

Blogger apologizes for the lateness but, as they say ... 

We hope you all end this year in peace and happiness and we wish the very best for you in 2019!

See you all in the New Year!



Saturday, December 1, 2018

Words of Wisdom: Seniors Seniors weigh in on state aging plan

Cindi Thorell’s father had never shown signs of depression.
But when her mother died, and he progressed into his 80s and 90s, Thorell’s father lost interest in the activities he used to love. Even getting up in the morning became a difficult task, she said.
Thorell, of Pembroke, said this is an issue that many adults face as they get older.
“They’ll have no issue with mental illness, and all of a sudden, they start having it, because of loss, because of not working anymore, because of being isolated,” she said.
And while Thorell’s father had her for support before he died, many aging people have no one to turn to when they start feeling that way, she said.
“It’s scary. People who have never dealt with it before, and all of a sudden they’re having an issue with it, there’s still a stigma out there,” Thorell said. “They don’t want to have to tell people, ‘I think I’m depressed, or having some problems.’ ”
Thorell was one of about 100 people who came to the GoodLife Programs & Activities building in Concord on Wednesday to discuss the state’s four-year plan on aging.
The state’s current plan, put in place in 2015, expires next year and the Department of Health and Human Services is hosting 13 two-hour listening sessions across the state to get feedback on what to include in the new one. The state plan, required for every state that receives Older American’s Act funds, is due in July 2019.
Feedback from the listening session, along with a 29-question survey that the department has been circulating, will be some of the most important building blocks for the new state plan, facilitator Jo Moncher said.
“Instead of us giving you a plan, ‘Hey, we put this plan together, what do you guys think? Why don’t you edit it?’ – we haven’t started writing the plan yet. We are in the very early stages of this,” Moncher told the crowd in Concord. “The beginning of this starts with all of this feedback. It starts with you.”
Attendees of the listening session gave detailed – and often personal – critiques.
Thorell said she’s experienced her own challenges with depression – which peaked when she retired at age 61. Thorell had support, but even then, her illness was hard to manage. She said she was one of the lucky ones, with good resources, great insurance, and the knowledge to get help. Even so, it was hard to find a doctor who could diagnose and help her.
“It took me six months – it was ridiculous,” she said.
“Getting older, it kind of scares me, I don’t have kids and I need to be able to have people that are going to be there for me,” she added.
One topic of conversation that came up was the need for increased support for older adults who want to continue to live at home as they age.
Marc Lacroix, of Concord, said he travels up to Berlin – where he grew up and his 92-year-old father still lives – at least once or twice a week to drive him to doctor’s appointments, or make safety adjustments to his home. He said many of his dad’s friends have medical conditions and have no one to care for them.
“There are basic things that keep people in place. Like, I just put a rail in the shower for him to hold onto to keep him safe. I pick up his rugs so he doesn’t trip,” he said. “I do that for my dad, but there are people who don’t have that. And that’s really problematic.”
In April, Lacroix’s dad was experiencing shortness of breath, and having trouble climbing stairs. A doctor said it was simply a symptom of aging – but Lacroix thought it was something more. He pushed the doctor to investigate further, and it turned out he was right.
“My father would have never advocated for himself in that way. But I was able to, so we were able to get a diagnosis and we were able to treat that,” Lacroix said.
A few attendees expressed concern about the lack of adult day care options in the state. Denise Clattenburg, 74, of Chichester, said daycare can be a less expensive alternative to assisted living – and a lifeline for caregivers on a tight budget who need to keep working.
“That kind of service seems to be very, very limited. There are all kinds of organizations, but to have something that is as centrally located in Concord area would be great,” she said. “The availability of people who need to take a loved one to be bathed, or to be babysat for the day, or any of those kinds of things – that is lacking.”
TLC, Concord’s only adult day care center announced it would be closing its doors Nov. 21 due to lack of funding, leaving no other options.
Attendees were asked to list things they like about aging in Concord.
Claudia Rein, of Concord, said she likes events put on by GoodLife and AARP. She said this fall she went on a fun trip to Diamond Hill Farm in Concord with AARP.
“Getting people together to communicate with each other and take trips and to exercise, to learn about aging, that’s amazing,” she said.
Maryanne Hammond, 72 , of Hillsboro, said those kinds of services don’t really exist outside the city. She started an organization, Greater Hillsboro Senior Services, to help with some of that – but it has its limits.
“We’re in a quandary because we don’t have a building, we do have a bus, our bus was a second-hand bus, and we’ve been able to offer shopping trips for people, and fun trips and things like that, but we’ve struggled for funding,” Hammond said. “We’ve struggled to provide our monthly luncheon.”
“We don’t have what you have here in Concord,” she said.
Joan Marcoux said hearing loss is one of the most common health conditions facing individuals over 70, and many service providers and senior centers don’t provide accommodations, like using microphones or on-screen captioning.
“I see people not be able to go or participate because they cant hear what’s going on in bingo. They’re afraid to ask what the numbers are,” she said. “There is so much easy technology to help people be engaged that don’t cost that much.”
“Service providers have no excuse as to not being able to provide communication access for hearing so that people can feel included and not feel like they need to stay home because they’re embarrassed about not being able to hear,” she
Moncher said the department is approaching this new plan on aging differently than pasts plans in that the committee wont be considering funding when they create it. They’ll create the plan entirely based on need, and then see what the state is able to provide.
“Are we going to be able to handle whatever comes forward?” Moncher said. “We’re  going to see.”

Published in The Concord Monitor December 1, 2018

Thursday, November 29, 2018

New Hampshire State Plan on Aging Survey

The NH Dept. of Health & Human Services, Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services, and the NH State Plan of Aging Planning Committee is charged with developing the NH State's Plan on Aging.  A survey has been developed as part of a statewide out reach effort to improve the needs of people who are aging in NH. 

Please help inform the process.  Survey responses will be collected from participants across the State and will help guide the efforts in the development of the 2019-2023 NH State Plan on Aging.

The survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete the 29 question survey.

Please take this survey and share it with others!


The Survey will close on January 15, 2019

Monday, October 29, 2018


On October 19th, a group set out to visit the Vermont Country Store.  If you've never been, you really should go.  The Vermont Country Store is the Purveyor of the Practical and Hard-to-Find items.  One steps back in time finding long lost products that still work as well today as they did "back in the day!"

The travelers lunched at The Bryant House Restaurant, which is located in the charming Bryant House, built back in 1827, and features a mid-19th century soda fountain and barroom along with original wood floors.


View or download here your November issue of Seniors Alive!

Several seasonal bus trips are in the offing for you. Check them out in this issue.

Please note that Seniors Alive! is looking for a new editor. If you have any experience in producing a newsletter, please let us know by contacting Barbara Cavanaugh at bjcavanaugh@gsinet.net


Sunday, October 14, 2018




On Friday, October 12, fifty-two seniors from the greater Hillsborough area boarded the train in Meredith, NH to view the changing colors of autumn while dining on a sumptuous dinner catered by Hart's Turkey.  The trip was co-sponsored by the Greater Hillsborough Seniors Services (GHSS) and the Town of Hillsborough.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Help With Home Energy Costs Is Available

Southern New Hampshire Services

Here is a link to their website, address and phone number and form
Click on Energy Services

Hillsborough Area
(Open by Appointment)
63 West Main St.
(603) 924-2243
1 (877) 757-7048

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

All Aboard MV Kearsarge on Lake Sunapee

On Friday, September 28th, a group of 52 seniors from the Greater Hillsboro area experienced a scenic daytime excursion and luncheon aboard the Kearsarge Restaurant Ship on Lake Sunapee.  This trip was cosponsored by Greater Hillsborough Senior Services and the Town of Hillsborough.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Corrections to September Newsletter

Hillsborough Tuesday, September 11 GHSS Monthly Movie at Smith Memorial Church  This month’s movie is The Iron Lady, a wonderful Academy Award movie starring Meryl Streep as Margaret Thacher during her three terms in office in a bitterly divided Great Britain.  Movie is FREE.  Starts at 2:15 p.m.

Hillsborough Thursday, September 13  Concord Combination Shopping Trip  GHSS’s bus is heading out to Walmart and we’ll also hit up a number of thrift shops.  We’re even planning to stop for lunch this month.  Departing from Shaws at 10 a.m.  Cost $6  Call Marie Mogavero at 464-4726 or 724-5272 a reserve a seat. 

Hillsborough Monday, September 17 Crafting Creative Cards by Stitching  Marie Mogavero, GHSS board member, will be instructing us on a unique method to create special cards for family, friends and special occasions.  Learn the technique of transferring designs to card stock with simple stitching techniques.  Creates special one-of-a-kind cards everyone will treasure.    St. Mary’s Church starting at 10 a.m.

Hillsborough Tuesday, September 18  GHSS MYSTERY TRIP  Back by popular demand!  We’re off on an adventure to a place we have not visited before.  Join us for an adventurous day full of surprises.  Leaving Shaw’s at 9:30 a.m.  Cost $7.  Call Marie Mogavero at 464-4726 or 724-5272 a reserve a seat.  The more the merrier!

Hillsborough Saturday, September 22  Kittery Maine Outlets  For all those bargain shoppers, GHSS is off to Kittery to explore all the outlets including the famous Kittery Trading Post.  Leaving Shaws at 9 a.m.  Cost $8. 
Call Marie Mogavero at 464-4726 or 724-5272 a reserve a seat.  Let’s shop til we drop!

Hillsborough Thursday, September 27  GHSS Monthly Senior Luncheon at St. Mary’s  Our master chef will be serving meatloaf, mashed potatoes, Cole Slaw, creamed corn, bread w/butter and dessert.  Call Marie Merrow by September 24 at 464-3067 to make a reservation.  The luncheon begins at 12noon.  Cost $5  Afterwards hang around and play some bingo!

Sunapee Friday, September 28  Lake Sunapee Luncheon Cruise.  Last call!  There are a few seats left on this amazing cruise.  Total cost for transportation and meal $25 per person.  Leaving Shaw’s parking lot at 2 p.m.  Call Marie Mogavero at 464-4726 or 724-5272 a reserve a seat. 

Monday, September 3, 2018

Crafting Creative Cards by Stitching

Marie Mogavero learned a new craft/skill while wintering in Florida and she is willing to share this technique.  Designs are transferred to card stock and with simple stitching techniques, one is able to create very special, one-of-a-kind cards for family, friends and special occasions. 

Join us at St. Mary's Church in Hillsboro, NH on Monday, September 17 at 10 a.m. to learn is art.

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No automatic alt text available.

The 10 Best Free Events Happening in NH This September

Check it out at

Wednesday, August 29, 2018





Saturday, August 4, 2018


Follow this link to the August issue of Seniors Alive!

 Be sure to mark August 16th on your calendars because that's when CHEF BOB FULLER will fire up the grill at the DEERING COMMUNITY CHURCH for the GHSS Annual Chicken Barbecue. What better way to meet up with your neighbors than over yummie grilled chicken and with all those delicious sides that your neighbors have always brought to town outings. It's free so . . . why not? Noon, 16 August: COME AN' GIT'IT!

Several bus trips are outlined in the issue. The usual shopping and so on. A couple of trips that certainly will pique your romantic interest (yes! Seniors have romantic interests!) are the cruise on Lake Sunapee on the MV Kearsarge on September 28 (think: leaf color, very romantic) and then a ride on the HOBO RAILROAD with dinner on October 12th (ok, maybe Hobo Railroad is not so romantic .. . . but it should be a lot of fun!)

Get the details for these and other adventures and such like stuff in this issue of SENIORS ALIVE!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

2018 GHSS Balloon Fest Raffle winners

The winners of this year's GHSS raffle are:
Roland Rollins, Hillsboro, NH Kayak
Claudette & Dan L'Heureux,
Deering, NH Grill

Monday, July 16, 2018

FAKE APPS AND WEB SITES: If it's too good to be true, it is!

Hackers gain unauthorized access through fake apps or website links.
This is commonly known as phishing.
When you click on a link or share a link which looks like a real good deal, (A large discount coupon, or a free gun or car, etc.) you have automatically given the hacker access to your username and password. The hacker now has immediate access to your account. Now all he has to do is use his newly found credentials (yours) to log in and send a personal message to all of your friends. When your friends click on the link he gains access to their accounts also.
So, PLEASE, PLEASE stop sharing these “too good to be true” endorsements.

Monday, July 2, 2018





Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Loneliness is a chronic condition, but it can be cured

 Loneliness affects all age, economic and social groups. More than one third of adults are chronically lonely and 65% are seriously lonely some of the time. Maybe the worst age for loneliness and general alienation are our grand children in the 18 - 24 age group (maybe you remember yourself at that age!). One of the most serious outcomes of loneliness is suicide.  And given the ready availability of loaded guns in our society, the most common agent of suicide, most suicide attempts are 'successful.' Sucide rates among middle class white men are the highest in the nation, and on average 20 military veterans kill themselves each day.

Us old folks tend to experience isolation and loneliness as a result of factors such as decreased mobility (are you still driving? Should you continue to drive? Are you hobbling about with a Walker or cane? Or worse: are you stuck in bed?). Hearing loss can be a significant isolating factor. And so on. Stuck at home we can fret and fester - - and become seriously depressed.

What is really important when you or somebody close to you, or even not so close but who you know about, is CONNECTING. Interacting with other people through shopping trips, outings of various sorts, shared meals. And so on.

I suppose that if you are reading this you know that in our area GHSS IS the connector. Each month, all year long, Greater Hillsborough Senior Services organizes arts to bring seniors together, bring seniors out of isolation.

You can see all that GHSS is doing by reading the monthly news letter, SENIORS ALIVE!  which is available here and at various other outlets in the area (e.g. Deering Town Ha..).

GHSS is a very important element in the health of our area!

Monday, June 4, 2018


Here is your June issue of Seniors Alive!

As we head into the summer months, GHSS has endeavored to line up a variety of activities and outings to get everyone out to enjoy what New England  has to offer.  Mark your calendars and sign up today because the trips sell out quickly!

 Let GHSS take you out to the old ball game. Look for bus trips to Fisher Cats Games in this issue of Seniors Alive!

Two special trips include a gustatorial  extravaganza at The Clambake Restaurant in Scarborough (July 12) and a river excursion on the Sonogo River (July 15). These trips book out pretty fast, so be sure to make your reservations now. Details are in the issue of Seniors Alive!

Also, we are in need of VOLUNREERS to help sell tickets at Shaw’s and the Balloon Fest.  Call Marie Mogavero at 464-4726 or 724-5272 if you can give us a hand!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Easter Seals Caring Companions Program in NH So People Can Stay At Home

Do you or someone you know need an extra pair of hands around the house or in our community?  Caring Companions are dedicated to keeping people safe and independent, providing social interaction and exceptional non medical services so that people can remain in their homes.  Call Caring Companions at 866-553-3939 or caringcompanionsnh.com

Professional Team

Members of a caring team are insured, thoroughly screened, trained and above all else - professional, dependable caregivers.  These providers are:

  • Matched to individual preferences
  • Available 2 to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Available on holidays, weekends, and/or overnights
  • Consistently the same person every time
Overview of Services Provided

  • Companionship Services  - provides 1 to 1 visitation/company safety supervision
  • Home Helper Services - changes linens, launders, vacuums and dusts
  • Personal/Hygiene Services - baths and provides other personal care services
  • Wellness Services - medication reminders and does meal planning and preparation
  • Transportation Services - runs errands, grocery shopping and drives to medical appointments
  • Transition home from the hospital - may include providing a ride home from the hospital, prescription pick up, meal prep   

Attention: Roll-out for New Medicare Cards

Medicare has a new site with updated info on the roll-out of the new Medicare cards. Check it out here: http://spr.ly/6189DeGZl

 Your new card will have a new Medicare number that's unique to you, NOT YOUR SS#,  This will help protect your identity.

Thursday, May 3, 2018


Here's your May issue of Seniors Alive!

Don't miss the Senior Lunch on May 17. To reserve your table call Marie Merrow (464 3067) before May 14.

Bus trips in May include a  shopping trip to Hookset  (Target, Kohl's, Market Basket, Walmart) and a visit to the Wright Museum of WW II in Wolfboro. To reserve a seat for either of these trips call Linda Kowalski (464 5264). There is a small charge for each.

To get on the twice weekly shopping trip to Warner call Lee Avery (478 3432). There is no charge for this. Pickups are at Hillsboro (Shaw's) and Maple Leaf and the Park-and-Ride on Old Henniker Rd.

Saturday, April 7, 2018


Here is your Greater Hillsborough Senior Services newsletter for April.

Please note on the Events Calendar that the trip to the McAuliffe Planetarium has been changed to Friday, April 13.  All the other particulars are the same.  Cost of transportation $6, entrance fee for seniors $10.50 and leaving Shaw’s parking lot at 1 p.m.

Have fun!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

FCC Warnings About One-Ring Cell Phone Scams

"One-ring” cell phone scam can ding your wallet so be forewarned.  Don't call back!

This alert was issued by the Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Information
Who’s calling now? That number doesn’t ring a bell. Hold the phone, says the Federal Trade Commission. You could be a potential victim of the growing "one-ring” cell phone scam.
Here’s how it works: Scammers are using auto-dialers to call cell phone numbers across the country. Scammers let the phone ring once — just enough for a missed call message to pop up.
The scammers hope you’ll call back, either because you believe a legitimate call was cut off, or you will be curious about who called. If you do, chances are you’ll hear something like, “Hello. You’ve reached the operator, please hold.” All the while, you’re getting slammed with some hefty charges — a per-minute charge on top of an international rate. The calls are from phone numbers with three-digit area codes that look like they’re from inside the U.S., but actually are associated with international phone numbers — often in the Caribbean. The area codes include: 268, 284, 473, 664, 649, 767, 809, 829, 849 and 876.
If you get a call like this, don’t pick it up and don’t call the number back. There’s no danger in getting the call: the danger is in calling back and racking up a whopping bill.
If you're tempted to call back, do yourself a favor and check the number through online directories first. They can tell you where the phone number is registered.
If you’ve been a victim of the “one-ring” scam, try to resolve the charges with your cell phone carrier. If that doesn’t work, file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission.
And as a general rule: Read your phone bill often — line by line. If you don’t recognize or understand a charge, contact your carrier.

February 10, 2014
by Colleen Tressler
Consumer Education Specialist