Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Loneliness is a chronic condition, but it can be cured

 Loneliness affects all age, economic and social groups. More than one third of adults are chronically lonely and 65% are seriously lonely some of the time. Maybe the worst age for loneliness and general alienation are our grand children in the 18 - 24 age group (maybe you remember yourself at that age!). One of the most serious outcomes of loneliness is suicide.  And given the ready availability of loaded guns in our society, the most common agent of suicide, most suicide attempts are 'successful.' Sucide rates among middle class white men are the highest in the nation, and on average 20 military veterans kill themselves each day.

Us old folks tend to experience isolation and loneliness as a result of factors such as decreased mobility (are you still driving? Should you continue to drive? Are you hobbling about with a Walker or cane? Or worse: are you stuck in bed?). Hearing loss can be a significant isolating factor. And so on. Stuck at home we can fret and fester - - and become seriously depressed.

What is really important when you or somebody close to you, or even not so close but who you know about, is CONNECTING. Interacting with other people through shopping trips, outings of various sorts, shared meals. And so on.

I suppose that if you are reading this you know that in our area GHSS IS the connector. Each month, all year long, Greater Hillsborough Senior Services organizes arts to bring seniors together, bring seniors out of isolation.

You can see all that GHSS is doing by reading the monthly news letter, SENIORS ALIVE!  which is available here and at various other outlets in the area (e.g. Deering Town Ha..).

GHSS is a very important element in the health of our area!

Monday, June 4, 2018


Here is your June issue of Seniors Alive!

As we head into the summer months, GHSS has endeavored to line up a variety of activities and outings to get everyone out to enjoy what New England  has to offer.  Mark your calendars and sign up today because the trips sell out quickly!

 Let GHSS take you out to the old ball game. Look for bus trips to Fisher Cats Games in this issue of Seniors Alive!

Two special trips include a gustatorial  extravaganza at The Clambake Restaurant in Scarborough (July 12) and a river excursion on the Sonogo River (July 15). These trips book out pretty fast, so be sure to make your reservations now. Details are in the issue of Seniors Alive!

Also, we are in need of VOLUNREERS to help sell tickets at Shaw’s and the Balloon Fest.  Call Marie Mogavero at 464-4726 or 724-5272 if you can give us a hand!