Sunday, May 20, 2018

Easter Seals Caring Companions Program in NH So People Can Stay At Home

Do you or someone you know need an extra pair of hands around the house or in our community?  Caring Companions are dedicated to keeping people safe and independent, providing social interaction and exceptional non medical services so that people can remain in their homes.  Call Caring Companions at 866-553-3939 or

Professional Team

Members of a caring team are insured, thoroughly screened, trained and above all else - professional, dependable caregivers.  These providers are:

  • Matched to individual preferences
  • Available 2 to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Available on holidays, weekends, and/or overnights
  • Consistently the same person every time
Overview of Services Provided

  • Companionship Services  - provides 1 to 1 visitation/company safety supervision
  • Home Helper Services - changes linens, launders, vacuums and dusts
  • Personal/Hygiene Services - baths and provides other personal care services
  • Wellness Services - medication reminders and does meal planning and preparation
  • Transportation Services - runs errands, grocery shopping and drives to medical appointments
  • Transition home from the hospital - may include providing a ride home from the hospital, prescription pick up, meal prep   

Attention: Roll-out for New Medicare Cards

Medicare has a new site with updated info on the roll-out of the new Medicare cards. Check it out here:

 Your new card will have a new Medicare number that's unique to you, NOT YOUR SS#,  This will help protect your identity.

Thursday, May 3, 2018


Here's your May issue of Seniors Alive!

Don't miss the Senior Lunch on May 17. To reserve your table call Marie Merrow (464 3067) before May 14.

Bus trips in May include a  shopping trip to Hookset  (Target, Kohl's, Market Basket, Walmart) and a visit to the Wright Museum of WW II in Wolfboro. To reserve a seat for either of these trips call Linda Kowalski (464 5264). There is a small charge for each.

To get on the twice weekly shopping trip to Warner call Lee Avery (478 3432). There is no charge for this. Pickups are at Hillsboro (Shaw's) and Maple Leaf and the Park-and-Ride on Old Henniker Rd.