Here is your June issue of GHSS newsletter SENIORS ALIVE!
There is a bunch of trips including including a visit to HAMPTON BEACH via CONNOR BOTTLING WORKS in Newfield, the home of Squamscot 'Oldfashioned' Beverages (more commonly known today as 'tonic' or 'soda' with lots of flavors to chose from). Check out the sandcastles at Hampton Beach on this outing. All for only $11.00! The date is coming up quickly, on Friday 16 June, so if this tickles your fancy, you'd better get in touch with Marie Mogavero (464-4726) pronto!
In August there will be a dinner/dance cruise on the MV Mt Washington. Sounds kind of romantic romantic. Think: A georgeous lake Winnipisauke. It won't be a full moon on 14th August, but it will be the third quarter and still pretty bright! At only $44.00 per person it's a cheap date! Get the 'pahticklas' in the newsletter and sign up!
There's lots more in the newsletter so .. enjoy!