Friday, March 24, 2017



 The Hillsboro Police Department has taken multiple reports of phone scams with various techniques and back stories. These people can be very convincing in their stories and their reason for calling you. The number one thing that should raise a red flag is when someone is asking you for your full social security number, physical address, mailing address, Credit or Debit card numbers, bank account information, or other personal identifying information. The people you may speak with on the phone may be very demanding, threaten to have you arrested, or multiple other negative outcomes if you do not comply with their requests. These requests may include having you send them money or payments through Western Union, Shaw's Money Grams, or the like.

Recent examples of scams to hit the Hillsboro area include:

-Being befriended through social media and having you send them money from a "family member" who will wire it to you, and then you send it to the person you are communicating with. Back stories usually are of such that they lost their credentials and are stuck in a country that will not let them get back to the United States without paying them US currency. While you are not the victim yourself, the "family member" is another victim, who thought they were sending money for the security deposit on an apartment in their area or stories of that nature.

-IRS calling stating that if you do not pay a certain amount of money by the end of the day or a certain time frame, the local Police Department will come and arrest you. The IRS will not call you, they will send you letters. The local PD will not be arresting you.

-Responses to Craigslist ads stating that they would like to send you money for your services or product, however, send you more than the specific amount for your service or product, but then ask you to send a personal check or give them your bank account information to get the overpaid amount back to them, in turn stealing your bank account information.

-Calling you and posing as a family member stating that they have been arrested and need to be bailed out of jail, or they need to pay fines to get their car out of impound. Jails or tow companies do not typically operate through Money Grams or Western Union. The way that they gain the family knowledge is through what is posted on social media and through the internet by you or other family.

Hillsboro Police have taken multiple recent reports of these attempted, and unfortunately completed, scams, costing people in your neighborhoods thousands of dollars! Please help us by spreading the word to the people! If you have family who is not on social media, such as elderly relatives or friends, please tell them about these scams. 

If you feel as though you were a victim or an attempted victim of these scams, please call the police department in your local area and report it.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017




Here's the skinny. The Hillsboro-Deering Hillcats have joined up with the  Fisher Cats in this 2-fer ticket deal.

On Friday, May 12 the Hillcats will play the Newfound Bears at Northeast Dental Stadium.  Game time is 4:30 pm.

On Saturday, May 6 the Fisher Cats will play the Binghamton Rumble Ponies at Northeast Dental Stadium. Game time 5:35 pm.

For $10.00 you get both tickets. The proceeds from this will support the Hillsboro-Deering Hillcats Baseball Team.

To get tickets, contact Marie Mogavero at 464-4726 or 727-5272.

If enough Seniors are interested, GHSS will lay on the bus. Call Marie now!

Friday, March 17, 2017


NH  Fish and Game is again hosting Wildlife Heritage Foundation of New Hampshire's annual WILD NEW HAMPSHIRE DAY on Saturday, 29 April, in Concord from 10 to 3..

There  will be Conservation, hunting and fishing, archery and  casting, falcons, big fish and other live animals.

There is no charge for admission. 

For directions and other information have a look at the attached poster

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


The Concord Regional Visiting Nurse Association is offering a grief discussion group.

The discussion group will run for eight weeks beginning 22 March. It meets in the Hopkinton Town Library on Tuesdays from 10:30 to noon. The group is limited to 12 participants and registration is required. To register call 224-4093 or (800) 924-8620 x 2828.

Sessions will be led by trained grief facilitators and will provide an opportunity for grief support and education for those who are suffering from a loss.

Saturday, March 11, 2017



We've seen a lot of change in the past hundred or so days and more is yet to come.

Of most immediate concern to Seniors is health care. I guess the desire for change included an understanding that the Affordable Care Act would be abolished  Replaced by something that President Trump  predicted would be (I paraphrase here) 'Great!'

Well, here's how the New Health Care is looking for New Hampshire seniors. Remember, New Hampshire is the second oldest state in the Union. That's important.

 AARP estimates that premiums  will go up  by an average of $7000 per year for a 65-year-old senior who has an income of $25,000. 

That's a big  'thanks for your support'  to New Hampshire's growing population of seniors from the new agents of 'change.'

One of the problems with the ACA was that younger, invincibles were gaming the system, not buying insurance in the face of piddling penalties (the hated mandate).  In theory, making people pay a lot more if they don’t buy insurance as soon as they need to will make healthy people join the market. If they know it will cost a lot more if they wait until they are sick, or if they know it will mean they won’t have community ratings if they don’t purchase plans early, they should buy in. If they don't, expenses are shifted  toward sicker and older folks like us who need and use health care.  The penalty was not nearly  strong enough to induce enough young folks to sign up (although toward the end of the Obama administration, increasing numbers of the young were signing up).

Under the new Republican proposal the 'stick' to induce younger people to buy insurance, an essential element in keeping insurance premiums manageable, is a one-time 30% insurance markup if people lose continuous coverage. This 'stick' is at best ineffectual. 

To quote from "The Incidental Economist"

it's  "a tiny, tiny penalty in the scheme of things.

Let’s say I’m single and I’m in my late 20’s, and insurance costs me $3000. With the promised $2000 subsidy, I’d have to pay $1000 more to get insurance. Or… I could just forego it this year, and if I need it next year, it will cost me $3900 (I will owe $1900). In just one year, I make money. If I skip a number of years, I can save even more. I’m not sure this is much of a stick.

They could fix this by increasing the size of the stick or by sweetening the deal with carrots, but they didn’t.

Moreover, the incentive is totally in the wrong direction. The individual mandate punishes those who don’t buy insurance – every year. As long as I remain uninsured, I will be penalized. I will be hit again and again, until I buy insurance. That’s a stick.

The new AHCA penalty works in the opposite direction. Once I’m out of the market, I’m left alone. It’s not until I re-enter that I’m hit with the penalty. The longer I stay out, the longer I avoid the pain. It’s an inducement to remain uninsured."

It's early days for this plan and opposition to it, especially from the Senate, is fierce so it's unlikely to change in its present form.

A sobering thought, though, is that this might be House Speaker Ryan's 'moderate' plan. If it's not passed he is much more likely to bend rightward and put forward an even harsher 'healthcare' proposal than to propose a more generous, reasonable, plan.