Chair Yoga, or Gentle Chair Yoga is, as its name suggests, a gentle form of yoga that is practiced while seated. Chair yoga is said to deepen flexibility and strengthens personal body awareness. Chair Yoga is one of the gentlest forms of yoga available. Complicated maneuvers and complex movements are not present in a chair yoga class. Within this type of yoga class, you can cover standing, seated, and prone postures. Most of these classes use the chair only, due to the difficulty of getting down or up off the floor. It is great for us seniors who are just a wee tad creaky.
Greater Hillsborough Senior Services is sponsoring Gentle Chair Yoga classes.
Beginning Tuesday March 1 at 10:00 am and continuing once a week for six weeks classes will be held at the Methodist Church in Hillsborough. The church is wheelchair accessible.
is $35.00 for 6 weeks. The proceeds will be divided among the instructor,the church and GHSS.
If you are interested in increasing flexibility, concentration, strength, balance and reduce stress please consider joining us.
Call to register Janett 478-3544