Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Story Hour in Deering

This Saturday,18 July at 9:30 in Deering's historic one room school house, located next door to Deering Town Hall on Deering Center Rd (Rt 149). 

We will read stories from Curious George and other classic kids tales. To go along with the reading we will have zucchini muffins,  juice, milk and coffee. Everybody is welcome. Questions? contact Gary Samuels 464 3143 or samuelspatty@gmail.com

Monday, July 13, 2015


  Seeking Parmenter: A Memoir of Place by Charles Butterfield

Please join the Antrim Historical Society for a program featuring Charles Butterfield’s memories of growing up on the Butterfield Farm just north of Clinton Village.  Charles is a widely published educator, poet, and biologist and (more importantly for Antrim residents) Izi Nichols’ brother, Martin Nichols’ brother-in-law, and Antrim Historical Society Vice-President Bill Nichols’ uncle).  This program will celebrate the launch of Charles Butterfield’s new book Seeking Parmenter.
The Antrim Historical Society is seeking to arrange a pre-talk bus tour of various sites in Clinton Village and Antrim Center cited in Seeking Parmenter.  If you are interested in participating, please watch for notices on the Town’s News and Events web site or email Steve Ullman at sullman@brockport.edu or call him at 588-2005.
Sunday, July 26, 2015, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.

First Presbyterian Church, Main Street, Antrim, New Hampshire

Friday, July 3, 2015



The July 2015 issue of the GHSS-Newsletter-Formerly-Known-As-Senior-Moments has become 'Seniors Alive.'  You might ask: Why? Why trade a perfectly good and apparently widely recognized moniker for another, arguably better one?  Was it that having a new bus (did I say GHSS has purchased a new bus?) and decided that it needed a new name for its newsletter? Nah... Was it that the editor of Senior Moments was having a .... senior moment herself when she sent the July issue to press? Nah... 

What I understand is that a Hillsborough resident has purchased, or at least registered for a periodical the name 'Senior Moments.'  Hum ... (see me scratching my head) Why would anybody in their right mind want to corner for himself the name of a newsletter that he has nothing to do with? I certainly don't know. I suspect that it was not a goodwill gesture to GHSS.   I believe that this man, Mr Russ Galpin -- the one who the good citizens of Hillsborough elected to be their town moderator -- must  have had some free time and cash... and a burning desire to gain control of the name of the GHSS newsletter.  Maybe somebody should ask him.

Anyway, your July issue of  'Seniors Alive' is available here and in the above 'Seniors Alive' tab.  Happy reading!