Last year TD Bank, which in the past has shown 'customer appreciation,' surprised 24 customers with the opportunity to "make today matter" by funding customers' community service projects. The 24 customers were selected because local TD Bank branch employees
and customers pointed to them as persons who would likely have ideas
that would be a true gift to the community. The deeds performed in the
24-hour window to #MakeTodayMatter cost approximately $30,000, the bank
said. You can see the video at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/25/td-bank-community-service_n_6212508.html
Following is an example of how one of the funded projects met a need that sounds very familiar.
November 4, 2014
Rural Rides
Heather in
Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia, CANADA
Heather lives in the town of Glen Haven, a
rural, coastal community of 204 people near Halifax. She also operates a small
retirement home for six elderly residents and is very involved in her
One of the biggest challenges in a community
this small and remote is the lack of public transit services which makes life
challenging for those without a reliable form of transportation. Accessible and
affordable transportation is essential not just for its convenience but also for
the realities of daily living, such as getting to a doctor’s appointment, taking
children to their sports activities or even participating in community
Heather is also the director of St. Margaret’s
Bay Community Transportation Society, an innovative program working to establish
a community-run transit program known as Bay Rides. That day came
sooner than planned, when Heather was able to Make Today Matter by
providing a new minibus to her community.
After making a stop at a local car dealership to
pick up the new bus, Heather couldn’t wait to show it off to the town of Glen
Haven. The bus arrived at a lively community event and a very excited group of
local residents got on board for their first trip around town.
“This bus will connect the many young people,
seniors and families who live right here in the Bay area. We have a really
vibrant community, but we just don’t have a way to get around. It’s really a
great place to live and I think this will only make it better,” said Heather as
she proudly unveiled the new bus.